Monday, March 8, 2010

Show week 4

Same old same old this week, at chore wise. Clean the horse, do the stalls, feed, etc.

Melanies mother came to watch her show this week, so extra spectator who was thankfully nice and stayed out of the way. Hunter came again to ride lennon, bringing her recently returned from Iraq husband chris, who was also awesome. No client troubles this week in summary.

Wednesday however, shine was listless and showing signs of colic with a fever we kept an eye on her and she improveda bit with banamine. However, that night, after I had gone to sleep, Elizabeth decided to have us... The help... Check her hourly. I understand but was furious at being woken up to be told to wake up in an hr. Needless to say, I got little (less than four) hours of sleep. My turn came again at 2:30, where here temp spiked and I called Elizabeth (ha) who had me wake ip the vet. Vet had me give her bute, and bring her in at 8:30. We spent 3 hours at the vet getting 4 bags of IV fluids, a stomach tube, and watching as one vets new puppy dog was kicked and killed by a horse. I then had to go back and care for my horses. Thursday was the day from hell.

Friday was little better, since we were all still exhausted and st least 6 horses were showing. We were on the grounds til seven. We finally all got enough sleep by Saturday, but Georgette decided to be a witch about helping me and Manuel, since she had no horses showing and didn't get the concept that we all help each other when we're busy. I told Manuel what I had overheard her say to a neighbor about it and I hope he discussed it with her. Come Sunday though, we were ready to be done. Three of our six went before 9am (all jumpers thank god), then it was juggling the three hunters. Last was mine and I thought we were done by 1... But I was wrong. Hunter and Lennon still had their Classic to do. I cried on the inside on the way walking home. But it turned out well, with cute little hunter and good old Lennon winning their division classic. We were all ecstatic for her, since it was a great way to end the week and a great occurance for her.

Monday without classwork is even more boring than a Monday with work. Oh well.

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